So, the roofers have gone, but they will be back soon to fix a few 'missed bits' & to put up the guttering.
Things are beginning to look good around the site, and we can see what the finished work might look like.
While the builders are away 'the 'team' spent a day 'on-site' yesterday, sweeping, chopping, sawing & lots of other things.
Thanks to Damion, Zoe & Sarah for their hard work & to me for moving the odd half brick from point A to point B.
All the Units have been swept out, and the old toilet block (well that is what we think it is/was!) has been emptied of rubbish.
As a result another skip is full and awaits collection.
The first paint has also gone up - Bay Green - and will look fabbo when the doors & windows arrive painted in the same colour.
We are beginning to turn our thoughts to the Bolsover Food & Drink Festival on July 21st & 22nd, when we are going to have a presence. We are hoping to have 'something' going on in the Courtyard, because the units will not be ready, where we can tell everybody what we are doing, and 'drum up some interest'.
Hopefully the roofers will be back on Friday to put the guttering up, and then it is - doors & windows.
Once that is done, we can go back to the District Council, and see what they say, and begin to look for some potential tenants.
Other than all of that it is relatively quiet at OBY HQ!!
More in a few days time, after the guttering!
Keep watching!!