Well after all the excitement of the new roofs, and rebuilding of the chimney etc. the last week has been really quiet.
Some of the guttering has gone up & the rest is on site waiting to get fixed.
We have agreed the contract for the doors & windows & the joiner has been up to the Yard to check the measurements just one more time - isn't the saying - 'measure twice, cut once'.
We have done some work on tidying up the inside of the units, but won't really finish that work until until all the building/electrics etc has been done.
Meanwhile we continue to turn our thoughts to the forthcoming Bolsover Food & Drink Festival, and to that end we had a meeting this morning with the Town Clerk of Old Bolsover Town Council, who is the 'officer commanding' the event, to talk through one or two ideas we were thinking about.
We are hopeful that we can make one or two announcements in the coming week, about exciting things that we have got planned.
So, nothing much else to do really, except sit out in this wonderful sunshine & 'think'.
Be back next week - see you then!
Some of the guttering has gone up & the rest is on site waiting to get fixed.
We have agreed the contract for the doors & windows & the joiner has been up to the Yard to check the measurements just one more time - isn't the saying - 'measure twice, cut once'.
We have done some work on tidying up the inside of the units, but won't really finish that work until until all the building/electrics etc has been done.
Meanwhile we continue to turn our thoughts to the forthcoming Bolsover Food & Drink Festival, and to that end we had a meeting this morning with the Town Clerk of Old Bolsover Town Council, who is the 'officer commanding' the event, to talk through one or two ideas we were thinking about.
We are hopeful that we can make one or two announcements in the coming week, about exciting things that we have got planned.
So, nothing much else to do really, except sit out in this wonderful sunshine & 'think'.
Be back next week - see you then!