So, England have won & are in the Quarter Finals, the sun continues to beat down from the sky, and we are moving ahead with our planning for the forthcoming Bolsover Food & Drink Festival.
And the 'big news' of the week is that we will be welcoming & hosting - Bolsover Rocks UK - over the Festival weekend.
Yes! - as well as coming to see what we are up to to, and how the work is nearly finished, you can join in & decorate a rock, which you can then hide anywhere you like, and when it is found by somebody else, they will photograph it & then post it on the Bolsover Rocks Facebook page, and you can track your rock as it travels far & wide both locally & in some cases internationally!!
There will be more news on what the 'Rockers of Bolsover' have got planned, in future posts, but as you can see from the pictures below, they have already started their preparations.
In addition, we will have a craft marquee, showing just some of the sort of crafts that our workshop tenants will be producing, when we finally open.
And then you can enjoy a welcome cuppa & piece of Michelle's wonderful cake in the Beehive Cafe. If the weather continues like this, you can sit outside & eat 'al fresco'.
So make sure that you allow enough time during your visit to the Festival to pay us a visit - we look forward to meeting you all, and will be disappointed if you give us a miss!!
Keeping looking back for new updates in the Blog - and don't forget - "To not visit Old Bolsover Yard, will be one of the biggest mistakes you make all weekend"