OK, so yesterdays 'blog' told Part 1 of the story of trying to register change of ownership of 2 Castle Street - my new project.
Well let's deal with the change of ownership - still no reply to my email of yesterday afternoon - Brian obviously not back yet!!
Now to the really big one - Planning Permission. I was at the Planning Office bright & early this morning, and saw Sharon. Because this was a different person from yesterday - she was called Michelle, I had to go over the whole story again.
Sharon was very helpful & printed off the form for me, and showed me on the form the where the link to the online version was.
So armed with my newly produced 10 page form I made for home, and immediately tried the online link, whilst the kettle was boiling for a cup of coffee.
Needless to say the link did not bring up the same form as I had been given a copy of, or anything vaguely like it.
So now with my freshly brewed cup of coffee, I sat down to read through the 10 page - 29 Question form.
Name - yes can do that; Address - now do they mean my home address or the address of the property in Bolsover?;
And so it went on - "If applicable, please state what materials are to be used externally, including type, colour & name for each material" 'If applicable?' well if there are no external materials, won't the building fall down?
So it continued - Question 11 on Foul sewage; Question 12 - Assessment of Flood Risk; Question 13 on Biodiversity & Geological Conservation and on & on.
By the the time I got to Question 29, I was already lying down in a darkened room, and had a cold flannel on my forehead.
Really can't wait for my next visit to the Planning Department, and while I am there I will 'pop-round' and see if Brian is back!!
As they say - watch this space!!